FAQ Topic: Desert Hot Springs Measure P

How can I get more information?

For factual information about Measure P, please visit www.cityofdhs.org/MeasureP. For municipal election information, including information on candidates for Mayor, Council Districts 2 and 4, and election participation information, please visit www.cityofdhs.org/elections or www.voteinfo.net.

How is Measure P accountable to the public?

Measure P includes strict accountability requirements to ensure that funds are used effectively and appropriately, including public disclosure of spending, and independent financial audits. By law, all Measure P funds must be used in Desert Hot Springs.

What community priorities can Measure P address?

For the past year, the city conducted significant community outreach via phone, mail, digital and in-person meetings to get community input. Service priorities identified by your neighbors include: Maintaining 911 emergency response times Maintaining rapid police response times Upgrading roads and bridges to better prepare them for flooding and blow sand Investigating and preventing crime … Continued

How will Measure P impact local budgets & services?

As discussed in its May 21, 2024, budget adjustment study session, over $2.9 million dollars was cut due to budget shortfalls, and one-time funds and some reserves were used to prevent further cuts this year. This approach cannot be used long term. Measure P was placed on the ballot in part to allow the community … Continued

Why was Measure P placed on the ballot?

Making Desert Hot Springs safer, providing well-lit streets and business corridors, and keeping neighborhood parks and public spaces clean help protect our local property values by making our community a more desirable place to live, do business, and raise a family. But a combination of state takeaways of local funds, unfunded mandates for local cities … Continued

What’s is Measure P?

On July 2, 2024, the Desert Hot Springs City Council unanimously voted to place Measure P- the Desert Hot Springs Fiscal Stability/Local Control Measure- on the November ballot for voter consideration. If approved by Desert Hot Springs voters, Measure P would enact a 1-cent local transactions and use (sales) tax until ended by voters, providing … Continued

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