FAQ Topic: Property & Housing
If you need immediate assistance, please dial 2-1-1 for information on resources and services near you. 2-1-1 is a toll-free, 24-hour, 7 days a week, confidential service providing Riverside County residents access and referrals to community, health, food, and shelter information Riverside County Continuum of Care (800) 498-8847 CV Housing First (442) 227-5562 Other Resources, … Continued
The Housing Authority of Riverside County administers the development, rehabilitation, or financing of affordable housing programs throughout Riverside County. The closest office is located at: Workforce Development Center 44199 Monroe Street, Suite B Indio, CA 92201 (800) 609-5708
Sewer connections are handled by the Mission Springs Water District (MSWD) located at 66575 Second Street. You can contact MSWD at (760) 329-6448.
Visit Mission Springs WaterDistrict’s website for water quality reports.
The City doesn’t provide legal advice regarding tenant rights, but check out the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County and Riverside County Legal Aid for resources and assistance.
You can report housing code violations online. Contact Code Enforcement at evera@cityofdhs.org or at (760) 329-6411 Ext. 269 if you have questions regarding an existing complaint.
You can pay your bill through the Mission Springs Water District’s online payment system.
You can pay your property taxes online through the County of Riverside.
Please visit the County of Riverside Treasurer-Tax Collector’s website, or contact them at (951) 955-3900.