Register for Activities, Classes & Events
How to create a CivicRec Account
Instructions To Create Your New Account
The Recreation Department Staff want to take this time to thank you for your patience and understanding as we embrace our new recreation and facilities software CivicRec. CivicRec has many new exciting options that will help manage family schedules including syncing any activities or reservations to your calendar, enroll multiple family members (or children) into the same activity, view/print out past receipts, and more. We recommend taking a few minutes before you register to create an account and enter in all family members that will be enjoying programs with us.
Please fill in the form as completely as possible. Please note that all of the fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, and your account can not be created without completing these sections.
Below are several important steps, please read the following before you start.
Parents First
When creating a new account, it is extremely important to enter the parent/guardian information first. The first person’s account created will be the default payer/head of household. This person must be an adult. The primary email address entered into the adult’s account will be your username moving forward.
Text and Email Opt-in
With this new system, we will be able to send time-sensitive updates to you via text message and/or email. We ask that you consider entering your cell phone and selecting the carrier so we can send you important information through text messaging. In addition, by adding your email and selecting at least one of the three "Communication Types" we will be able to send email alerts related to your activities. Reasons we would need to contact you in these ways are to report any last-minute class cancellations. These methods will not be used to provide general information or department updates.
Your username will always be your email address. You have the option of adding additional email addresses where you wish to receive important updates.
Passwords need to be at least 8 characters in length and include at least 3 of the following: Capital Letter, Lower Case Letter, Number, Special Character. If you have forgotten your password, please select "forgot password" to reset your forgotten password.
Emergency Contact
You must add emergency contact information to your account profile. Be prepared to enter the Emergency Contact's First and Last name, relationship to the person, phone number, and email address.
Once your account is created, you can start registering for activities, classes, sports, and youth leagues!